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We as humans have found ways to problem solve, learn, grow and evolve through story telling.  It is our stories, those we tell others and those we listen to, that help give us meaning.  They help us have purpose and have something to reach for that might even seem impossible to us.  In this lecture, I am going to talk about how much the stories of our culture subconsciously impact us.  The mythology of our day is in our social media and popular culture, including books, T.V. shows, comic books, movies, art and music.  This is how it has always been throughout time, the difference is we have technology that older civilizations do not.  Some older myths have been put into our modern culture into the Super Hero comics and movies we now watch.  The myths continue resonate.  Why is that and how can we consciously allow this to help us?  How has it sometimes hindered us?

Modern Mythology

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